“Wherever you are is the entry point.”

What do you notice when you look at the above image?

A color theme? A landscape? A person?

Maybe it evokes a feeling of being alone while facing a challenge.

Perhaps you are struggling to adapt to a new culture after moving to a different country. Or are dealing with a health issue that suddenly changed your world. You may feel like you’ve gotten knocked down. Your familiar self-image may be broken into pieces - some pieces are missing, some seem not to be relevant anymore.

I use the somatic approach to help individuals who manifest chronic neurologic and musculoskeletal symptoms:

  • feeling off balance, lack of coordination

  • fatigue, weakness, exercise intolerance

  • aching, stiffness

  • muscle twitching

  • neuropathy

  • autonomic nervous system dysfunction

As an immigrant myself, I also work with those who:

  • struggle to adapt to a new culture

  • have difficulties communicating in a different language

  • experience panic attacks, anxiety or are prone to somatization (a condition when psychological distress/pain is expressed through the body)

Getting up after being knocked down is not easy. Taking a step forward is even harder. But as long as you can breathe and use your consciousness, there is a chance for your system to rebalance and recalibrate. There is a choice to reinvent yourself, to expand your self-image beyond conditions or medical diagnoses. You are not your medical diagnosis, just like you’re not your accent or your language skills.

Take a look at the image one more time. The colors are calm. The landscape is peaceful. A person is well supported by the environment.

Wherever you are now, it’s just the entry point.

You built your life before. You can do it again.

I’ve been in your shoes. Here is my story.